Opportunities for All

I will run an open, transparent, and responsive government where there is shared prosperity, and everybody has a sense of belonging. My government will open a website of limitless possibilities for the success, happiness, progress, and socioeconomic wellbeing of all Deltans as well as residents in the State using three main approaches.




I will:

  • Progressively upscale existing wealth creation programmes and make them more effective, deploy vocational skills acquisition and social investment support to lift people from poverty and create wealth.
  • Support artisans, traders, market women with working capital (microcredit) through their cooperative societies.
  • Sustain the widows programme (skills training, livelihood support, health insurance cover).
  • Improve participation and competitiveness of youths in the new economy including digital economy, ICTs, creative industry, innovate crafts, etc.
  • Deploy technology to establish virtual markets and business networks for youth Entrepreneurs.
  • Expand access to skills training.

Equity and Fairness

As a detribalised Deltan, I understand the need for fairness, equity, and justice in a  multi-ethnic state like ours. At various levels of leadership, I have proven myself to be a bridge builder with the carriage, comportment, and charisma necessary to inspire confidence and bind the various ethnic nationalities together.

Under my administration, no group of people will be discriminated against in political appointments and the allocation of projects. There will be equal opportunity for all, while merit and excellence will be actively promoted and rewarded.


Engagement with Stakeholders

In pursuing our MORE agenda, there shall be regular stakeholders engagement to ensure that policies and projects are based on needs assessment. I am a fi rm believer in the bottom-up approach to governance hence inputs will be regularly sought from grassroots organisations, traditional institutions, socio-cultural groups, youth organisations, religious bodies, traders, market women, artisans, and professional bodies in the formulation of government policies and programmes, especially in the preparation of the annual budget.

Overall, there shall be consolidation of community involvement in policy formulation and implementation thereby engendering participatory democracy. I believe that we are stronger together and so am determined to enunciate strategic initiatives that will bind the diverse ethnic groups of the State into a unifi ed, coherent force.


Infrastructure Development

Physical infrastructure is a powerful enabler of production, economic and social life. Good quality infrastructure such as roads, bridges, power/energy, water, housing, and related facilities provide conducive environment for economic activities, businesses and investments. Efficient and reliable physical infrastructure diminishes the cost of business operations and make production activities easier and smoother. Major initiatives under this component will include:

  • Provision of efficient Energy, Electricity and Water Supplies.
  • Rehabilitation and Construction of various Transportation Infrastructure like Roads, Bridges, Jetties etc.
  • Development of ICT, Science and Technology Sectors.
  • Set up Industrial Parks with necessary facilities.
  • Support water transport systems in riverine areas by building jetties and providing vessels under public private partnership (PPP).
  • Development of affordable Housing across the Senatorial Districts.

Meaningful Development

I am determined to ensure that we embark on developmental initiatives and projects that have signifi cance and purpose. They must immensely contribute to our desire of positively moving Delta Forward. My classification and initiatives under each head of these development projects are as follows:


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